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The leaders of extended families , in a meeting specifically called by the leader of the community, form the Circle of Elders. A member of the Circle, generally the oldest one and founder of the town, is the leader.. The Circle gathers to discuss and to make decisions that affect the movilization of the labor force for the common activities. The leader of each extended family watches that the power resting in the unit is not expropriated by the small circle of individuals composed by the chiefs of extended families of the community. |
The leader of the community and the Circle of Elders are the leaders in the political plane, while in the spiritual plan and historically we have : the jowal, Shamá n or faith healer, of which there can be many in the community; the specialists in rites, the wise and the historians (achuri and aremi edamo).
In the political sphere each leader of community has influence only in their village and the same happens with the specialists that communicate with the supernatural . These measures impede the emergence of startification and dependence based on the access to supernatural power. Likewise, the internal composition and political autonomy of each community with regard to the remaining communities impede the emergence of startification and dependence based on the access to political power.
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