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The Bolivar Balcony has an irregular rectangular floor which extends at its ends to form a U. In each one of the wings there are two rooms, an arrangement which repeats itself in the internal wing of the upper floor, and which is similar to the Arcaya Balcony and the disappeared "Tellería" Balcony. |
The building material is wood and adobe.
The house is of the Hispanic and Mudejar influence, as it presents many intermediate or ambivalent zones (open closed, inside outside). The hall, which divides asymetrically the main building, is connected to a gallery which opens to the central court by half point arcs, which rest on octagonal columns, whose robustness makes a sharp contrast with the thinness of the lateral corridor columns, added in the last century. The projecting balcony is of Canarian roots.
The Curazao influence is also felt. There is an absence of eaves, merlons and gables as decorative elements.
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